Perfecting the ‘E’ in ESG

ESG is short for ‘Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance’ and is a metric used to measure the sustainability and impact on society a company or business has. Generally, this data is used in the financial and investment realm to predict the future financial performance of companies. In recent years there has been a movement toward considering ESG scores when investing.

At Arktos, we strongly believe in the importance of ESG in the energy industry. We offer custom tailored Voluntary Monitoring Programs at discounted ‘ESG Rates’. These programs are designed together with our clients to ensure that all ESG goals are met efficiently.

In addition to voluntary programs, our business is built on the Alternative Work Practice or ‘AWP’ to service LDAR regulations that require the use of a Method 21 device. The AWP allows Optical Gas Imaging (OGI) technology to replace a traditional Method 21 program at a variety of facilities. OGI technology is much more efficient than Method 21 devices and can find large leaks over 10 times faster allowing for cost savings while still reducing emissions.

The ESG benefits of the AWP are found in the increased monitoring frequency. A traditional Method 21 program has components that are monitored monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, and annually. The AWP simplifies this system by monitoring every LDAR component bi-monthly which results in large leaks being found faster and reducing overall facility emission volumes.

The AWP can provide the following benefits in addition to complying with state and federal LDAR regulations:

·       Reduced LDAR Program Costs

·       Increased Monitoring Frequency

·       Reduced Facility Emissions

·       Reduced LDAR Contractor Time on Site

·       Technology-Forward Approach

·       Reduced Method 21 Frequency

·       Increased Data Transparency

Every ESG Initiative Starts with ‘E’